Farther upstream, just west of the village of Morrow, the new Little Miami High School marks the site of the Stubbs Earthworks, once one of southwest Ohio’s grandest geometric earthwork complexes, and one of the earliest to be destroyed. An irregular mound remains in the school’s circular driveway, covering the remains of a complex, multi-chambered building.
In 1998, Dr. Frank Cowan and his team from the Cincinnati Museum Center discovered, about where the school’s grandstand is now, post molds from a giant, 271-foot diameter Woodhenge, the first large timber construction of its kind known from the Hopewell era.
It coincided with a circle on an early 19thcentury plan of the earthworks, suggesting the idea that many earthworks may be have been built as markers or memorials to earlier timber constructions.
From Morrow, take back roads towards Fort Ancient [see Fort Ancient itinerary], or head south and east toward Hillsboro.
At its discovery in 1998, the Stubbs Woodhenge was the largest timber structure known to have been built in the Hopewell era.