Archaeologist Bret Ruby explains how the land for miles around earthworks was probably marked by extensive farm fields.
Which plants were domesticated by the Hopewell, how they were grown, and how gardening may have affected the landscape, filmed at the Fort Ancient garden.
Two houses surround a yard in which objects (flint, hearth, squash, textiles, basket) introduce topics about the daily life of the earthwork builders.
An explanation of the Fort Ancient culture's agricultural practices and heavy reliance on corn, with Dr. Andrew Sawyer.
Dr. Andrew Sawyer explains she social organization of Fort Ancient era culture, based on pottery finds from SunWatch Village, near Dayton.
Dr. Robert Hall describes the nature of the trade networks and other influences that spread Hopewell ideas far across the continent.
Dr. Andrew Sawyer, curator of SunWatch Village, explains solar observation and the agricultural calendar in Fort Ancient culture