The central road ends in a large parking lot past the picnic area. Turn right down the lane to reach the North
Overlook, where a wooden platform offers views of the Little Miami River and its gorge. From here we can sense
the special prominence of this location, and can appreciate the importance of creating an elevated sacred place,
with such a strong visual tie the river below. A path with many stairs leads all the way down to the river and the
hike-bike trail alongside it today.
Or, the terrace trail descends partway down the slope, to a series of large, ancient cuts in the hillside, then
continues to the South Overlook. In April, the wildflowers there are abundant. Another, perimeter trail connects
along the earthen walls from the North Overlook to the South Overlook: there, another wooden platform offers views
of the wooded gorge below.
In ancient times, this view from the North Overlook would not have included the bridge for I-71; but today the extent of the river gorge remains breathtaking.